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An exaggerated case demonstrating the pitfalls of wokeness in objective medicine.


29 year old comes in with back pain and loss of sensation in the left Ankle.

Thanks to modern AI, software design has made it seamless in grabbing the sex from the EMR or Technologist submission and attaching it to the images in the background DICOM data.

I go thru the Lumbar spine, assuming patient is a male since its labeled as such…. I scroll down and woah what’s this?? A uterus!?

I proceed to document to the technologist to correct the record. Stating: Patient is a woman with a uterus and vagina, please correct her sex in the DICOM data. I get a notification about 10 minutes later with a response: “Patient prefers to be called a male.” My response after such a silly statement by a technologist that was trained that DICOM images need SEX not gender, was “They can call themselves anything they wish. But their BODY is a female XX.

IMPORTANT FOR MEDICAL TREATMENT. FIX her SEX. it doesn't ask for gender for DICOM. Correct it. it is SEX. This is medicine that is based on science and objective information. Patient is a biological FEMALE AND SHOULD BE LABELED AS SUCH Tech Replied with notes: aware patient is female but identifies as a male, which our hospital respects and documents. provider aware of discrepancies noted with patient's listed gender and anatomic findings on CT

That is the type of response you can get from me if a lawyer wants to question me and make stuff up.

I am the type of radiologist that is confident and firm. Sex is not part of this LGBTQ+ and it would be counter to their interests if they could not receive proper medical care because they refuse to acknowledge their genes and anatomy.

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