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Lurie Children's Hospital Joins Obamacare: A Self-Employed Doctor's Perspective


Hi, I'm a self-employed in the Chicago metro area. In this post, I want to share with you how I may finally get a health insurance plan that covers Lurie Children's Hospital, one of the best pediatric hospitals in the country, and why this is a big deal for me and my family and how you can also.

The good news is that the business people have finally made a change and Lurie Children's Hospital now accepts a Barak Hussain Obama plan. This helps me a little, but not much, as the healthcare system and the demoralizing effects that decrease doctors' interest in anything more than clocking in and out and avoiding the wonderful and satisfying feeling of helping people get well.

Mandate and the law 🙄 has prevented me from being able to buy a plan direct. Yes it defies logic and is insulting to me as a human, doctor, and American that for the past 10 years that I had no option to take my child to the best children's hospital in the area.

But none of the plans on the exchange were compatible with Lurie Children's Hospital. Oddly this is Obama's home town!

This year, something changed. Lurie Children's Hospital announced that it would accept one of the plans offered by the ACA, the Barak Hussain Obama plan. I wonder why? Bet Aetna and Lurie have some love triangle at the top? Perhaps an investigative journalist can figure out why the sudden chamge. My patience has run out.

I was overjoyed to hear this news. I may hold off as it's a good bet the greedy people at the top may remove it next year.

To be continued.

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