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Put the rock back. Want a rock, just look in Cali, there are rocks everywhere!!


Updated: Jan 30, 2024

Let me tell you a story. Someone I know married a fake. She got caught up in all of the fancy items and shiny objects one can buy with money without working hard. Little do they realize that such behavior is corrosive.

First it starts with a little taste, say a $100 Benjamin. Then it keeps going up and up and there is no end. It is an eternity of worshiping money, despite money saying, "In G-D we trust."

Look at Israel. The majority of people struggle day to day. But a foreigner comes in with their shiny money and can buy things nobody else can afford. Then it drives up prices and pushes people out. Soon there is no room left. Not even room for a wall to lean on.

When someone gets married in good faith and in love. They ought to symbolically return the engagement ring. It is all just about Karma and who wants a tainted stone spit on by some mother in law and bought by some philanderer anyway sitting in their drawer.

I, for a long time, have been an idol worshiper. I am sorry and regret it deeply. I was enamored with money and a sense of security that is fiction. Fiat currency is only backed by the name of the other party. E.g. The USA has never not paid its debt. They may inflate things over time, but never not pay. This is what brings the sense of security when someone is managing things and is reliable and trustworthy.

I knew a Swiss Israeli once. Did you know not all Israelis are jewish? Did you know that there are at least 2 million and probably much much more israelis that are labeled jewish but are really Muslims. Muslims value a simple rock on the top of the mountain. They chose this rock as opposed to real Jews who chose a book. Regardless of what one chooses, we should respect such choices.

Jews have no need for a wailing wall, nor a giant monstrosity like the Mormon Church I see off the beltway when driving in DC around the beltway. We are not and are prohibited from being idol worshippers. So to spend billions etc on security etc really is absurd, basically on a rock. One can just make a rock.

It is akin to Diamonds. For decades DeBeers has had tons and tons of diamonds and has a monopoly on it. It is only through learning that we became aware that one can just manufacture perfect, and reasonable diamonds. I have an aversion to blood, and would never want to put someone else's blood on me. Odd how I am a doctor, huh?

The beauty of radiology is there is minimal blood. One can sip a coffee from across the globe as many do and review scans and make diagnoses. Many do. In fact many doctors live in Israel and work there during the day and are getting paid in USD. How silly.

What should be done is teach the people of Israel to specialize in tele work. This would allow two things. They could excel and be productive and work during the day. And the doctors that migrated from America and drained radiology groups, can return and live amongst their families. Also the people in Israel can then work during the day themselves if they so choose and help cover nights for America so that people like me don't have to suffer working at night with grueling, and unhealthy schedules.

I am a doctor. A rabbi is a teacher. What we just need are tons and tons of teachers teaching useful skills for society. Such as radiology. Really one does not need to be a MD doctor like I am to do much of the work.

I remember a professor back in the day at NYU. He blew my mind. He was this fast talking super cool IR doc. Brilliant man. He comes in for a lecture and says the minute he walks in. Don't worry about IR, it's all just pipes. There really isn't a huge difference between the dexterity required for IR and that required for plumbing. The only difference is one gets paid more for easier work--theIR attending who is bored and prefers teaching anyway. Like the best IR doctor I have ever met or worked with, motivating people to study and learn and he was more hands off following the classic: Show once, student does once, student on their own. Obviously this is a bit exaggerated. But Dr. Jafar is amazing. He in fact probably saved my dad's life by facilitating his biopsy. I am not sure what religion or if Jafar practices anything other than healing.

He left Iran and has been pushed around his whole life just for looking a bit different and being more skilled with his hands. It is unfortunate, I am sure he misses his family.

Maybe when ALL nuclear powers cooperate and work together to help replace fossil fuels, INCLUDING: the places in the middle east will free ourselves from the burning of fossil fuels and move forward to a cleaner future and an open world and society fostering love and happiness and good health. Anyone that has had CAR-T has learned the hard way, die vs be uber vigilant about avoiding infections. That's ok, and who wouldn't choose good health over anything else. But not for themselves or for the world as a whole, as we are all connected and need to help each other out and we can all excel.

BTW the Muslim religion is darn right about one thing! I mean imagine if you like your dog and want to skip out on taxes after you are dead and support your dog. Why not just marry your dog and then you can transfer your wealth. Probably the reason why some super smart, but narcissistic people marry people in the 50 years age gap. Clearly it's not for sex. I mean what tastes better: a wrinkled prune, or a candy? It is a loophole to avoid taxes and screw over families. Now we already have methods to pass inheritance to children, but we already have super super generous caps. No need to jack up the cap to 25 billion dollars and have a 95 year old almost dead man marry a 50 year old just to skip out on taxes for when he dies at the expense of the average family man.

Take a super smart motorcycle man I know that has three daughters. His wife is a social worker. She adores her job. But it's at the cost of raising their three daughters. I mean is it really reasonable to expect a dad to understand what it is like to be a XX? Daughters need their moms and son's need their dads. Not just for a week but they need to feel their warm and kind embrace of life. We need to fix this, not for us but the future.

I mean, what is the fertility rate these days in America or Western Europe? Why should we be importing people and taking them away from their families? Would it not be better if we just spent more time with our families and enjoyed our time. Perhaps even reestablishing that, companies have to give employees at least one day a week off in entirety to focus on their family and promote harmony and peace.

See above solutions, for fertility issues, mass migration, and the breakdown of the family. I mean this is pretty obvious when one looks at Americans busting their butt working multiple jobs, and nobody is home to watch the kids. Is it really better for people to idolize work or being strong as opposed to being kind and having fun with your family?

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