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Barack Hussein Obama, the real American!


Updated: Jan 30, 2024

Thanks to the insanity of Donald Trump's presidency, we know for sure that Barack Hussein Obama was born in Hawaii. For some reason, we had a presidential candidate who didn't trust a person who is half-black and half-white, the classic definition of an American. America is a melting pot for everyone who values freedom, liberty, and religious freedom.

The real Americans are the African Americans, the Hispanic Americans, the Jewish Americans, and other mixed races. There are Irish Americans, Italian Americans, and many others. Many people don't even know their ancestry, and it doesn't matter because we're all American and believe in the same thing.

The real enemy, as a super smart professor who happens to be German told me, is the elitist people who try to hold onto their power at the expense of the younger generation.

A close friend of mine, born in Princeton, Minnesota, helped me through college more than I can ever explain. He was my first real friend at university. When I first met Tim, he thought Jewish people had horns on their head and he joked about it. I laughed too because I didn't understand anything growing up here in America. You're not exposed to a lot of the toxic ideas that occur outside of America. I thought it was funny when he said he wished he was better at saving.

However, my friend Tim inspired me to travel and I learned. You can't bomb an idea; you can't kill an idea with anything material. The only way to kill an idea is to come up with a better one.

The story of Shavuot/Cinco de Mayo, my girlfriend who is Catholic told me, is the story of David versus Goliath. David was a small shepherd boy who would travel and walk, all alone, bored, protecting his sheep. He created a sling to protect the sheep. He was smart and used the sling, not the slingshot.

Picture a giant man, named Goliath, with metal armor and a giant sword in a ravine,

against a small shepherd boy. He was dismissive and bullied him. That's why people often root for the underdog. But in reality, the underdog can be a bad person too because we're all just people. Like that little toy game my son used to play with the school bus and the airplane and the bus driver. Everybody was just the same.

David was accurate with his sling because he was well-trained as a shepherd boy. Everyone else thought he was amazing, but David knew the truth. He knew how easy it was for him to use a sling because he had used it all his life. Don't pick a winner or a loser; pick someone with good values who spreads good and makes people healthy. Not someone who caters to corporate greed.

Our money says "In God We Trust", but do we really? It seems to me we have strayed from this and have become obsessed with money and keeping up with the Joneses. I'm a doctor and I have three cars. The first car I bought by myself was working for a company called Lockheed Martin. I saw the corruption and lack of transparency and that's why I left before they were going to force me to be like Edward Snowden, working at the NSA. I decided I wanted to help people and I became a doctor like my grandfather. We need to forgive and move on, and support people who are doing good or at least trying.

It doesn’t matter if the story is true. It doesn’t matter if the Bible, the Quran, or the Torah are true. What matters are the lessons they teach you and how you apply them. Someone once told me her father said, “Teach a man to fish and he’ll have food for the rest of his life.” I don’t understand why we give handouts to people instead of teaching them how to work for themselves. Not everyone knows this. Not everyone was born here. Not everyone has two parents, or two parents who are around or love them.

But rest assured, everyone can learn. I’m 100% certain of this. I saw firsthand how the rabbi I grew up with worked so hard to teach his son who had autism. He taught him day and night. We also need to realize that people are different and actions have consequences.

If someone is autistic, fat, ugly, or poor, what girl is going to date them? What girl is going to want to marry someone who can’t have children with them and support them? That’s why I don’t understand why prostitutes or escorts are treated as criminals. It’s absurd. Most prostitutes are just trying to earn a living and support their family and do a job that nobody else wants to do. It’s no different from immigrants. Most immigrants from South America just want the same thing: to earn a living and support their families back home. We should issue visas for them to do this since they’re taking jobs that nobody else wants. It should be legalized and monitored for disease and social work issues.

Take many stores you walk into nowadays and you’ll see the floor is dirty, especially if the company complies with all government rules and regulations and tries to get their fancy sales team to clean the toilet. It’s absurd. Of course they don’t want to do this. It’s a waste of their time. They can speak English and communicate. They can do other jobs and leave some jobs for people who need them to help their own family and rise up, just like all immigrants who moved here. But we should have a unifying language as a nation, and that is American English. We should force companies to teach them and provide time for them to learn English in a language program.

A story is a story. It doesn’t matter if it’s true or not; the lesson is what matters. The lesson is that you can’t kill an idea with bombs or bullets, and wasting money on a military-industrial complex is silly.

My idea is simple: just ensure everyone can communicate in a common language. It’s intentionally divisive to let foreigners who can’t read or write live here without teaching them. This must stop. It’s like usury.

The Jewish and Muslim dispute is just two brothers fighting over who is smarter. But guess what? Their parents love them both equally, and that’s all that matters. It’s OK to be Muslim, Jewish, or any religion you want in America. The real Americans are the mixed races that America has created by bringing people from around the world here, just like my grandparents. The real Americans are the Reform Jews, the Conservative Jews, and anyone who learns, grows, and adapts to the way of life here in America.

Maybe if my dad had married a British person, I could have had good ice cream. I love ice cream and I can’t wait to go to Cape Cod and try this amazing ice cream store. Unfortunately, I don’t know what will happen, but I do know I’ll get gas if I eat the ice cream. That’s from personal experience and my classmates can attest to that. Why do we force-feed Americans cow’s milk when we’re not adapted for it? We’re adapted for America. British are adapted for Britain. We are children of the land and we adapt to where we are and meet people, make friends, and make love.

Some of my grandparents came from Ukraine and some from Budapest, Hungary, and that’s why I’m Jewish. But what’s funny is that the real Ukrainian is the president himself, a mixed race, a half-Jewish and half-Slavic man. The nation of Ukraine is wonderful, and I have been there many times. It doesn’t matter if Vladimir Putin is right that there’s no historical Ukraine. What matters is that there is a Ukraine now and there are people there who are being punished for nothing and being abused and hurt and raped. We need to stop this conflict, not with bombs, but with words and brains.

We need to support Ukraine and also cherish Russia. Vladimir Putin is not the enemy. He’s just a man. He sits on the toilet just like you and me. He gets sick like you and me. The real enemy is bad ideas, and the only cure is better ideas.

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